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WHSP Will Hofmann Selfpublishing


Publisher for historical plaques and posters, founded in 1995 by Eva and Sven Wiebers.

The publishing house existed until summer 2022. Will Hofmann (WHSP) takes over the sale of the existing stock.

Here you will find only some general information. Most of the homepage is written in German. Please help yourself with the Google Translater or - preferred by me - DeepL.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send me an eMail.

Noumerous historical information are combined with the sensual charisma of pictures and time-documents in large-sized posters. It is an enjoyment for each person interested in culture and history.

The delivery programme is completed by multitudinous bookmarks with historical pictures and texts.

The posters work perfectly as a special gift. They prove to be an eye-cather in public offices, waiting rooms, hotels, guest houses and medical practices.

Scolars and students find a helpful overview of complex historical relations in these posters.

Overview over the posters klick here.

Additional 65 different bookmarks with historical topics are available.

Yet only the poster of the Roman Empire is available in English (and in Netherlands). All the others are in German.

You easyly can order through a form or by calling and faxing.
Or you send us an eMail.

The publisher wishes you much fun by checking its offerings.

Wiebers Verlag says goodbye. It has ceased operations in June 2022.

You can still order the products through WHSP (Will Hofmann SelfPublishing), as far as they are in stock. Not much will change for you, except that you will receive your invoice from WHSP (Will Hofmann Self Publishing).

Please contact me for information about shipping costs.

Unfortunately, the convenient online store no longer exists. You click through the offers in a somewhat old-fashioned way and then have to order by phone or eMail (somewhat facilitated by the selection page).

Delivery takes place exclusively after prepayment. Please contact me. But at least the possibility remains to purchase the appealing Wiebers posters and bookmarks, as well as some of the prose.

History of the Publishing house:

Wiebers Verlag for historical boards and posters was founded in 1995 by Eva and Sven Wiebers. The publishing house offered posters and bookmarks on historical epochs, events and rulers, presented in a visually appealing way and systematically structured. The posters help pupils and students to get an overview of complex eras, the bookmarks serve as memory aids for history lessons.

At the end of 2011, Wiebers Verlag expanded its program with a new division. For the first time, works without historical content were also published. Gradually, Wiebers Verlag published more works of fantastic literature.

Then, in June 2022, unfortunately, came the end.

Nevertheless, WHSP wishes you a lot of fun while looking at the offers.

Note: The Wiebers posters are now distributed by Bildungsposter. They are also available on Amazon:

Bildungsposter (select "Geschichte" in the menu).

or Amazon.

WHSP Will Hofmann Selfpublishing
Brussaer Weg 27
D 12109 Berlin-Mariendorf

Phone: 0049 / 30 / 43 078 378

Fax: 0049 / 30 / 89 644 262

IBAN: DE95300606010002886138 BIC: DAAEDEDDXXX

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