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Simon Schwartz

Simon Schwartz

Simon Schwartz was born 1982 in Erfurt, Germany and grew up in Berlin, Germany.

In 2004 he moved to Hamburg and started the education in illustration at the "Hamburg Universtity of Applied Sciences".

Since 2006 he is working as a freelance illustrator for several magazines, newspapers, agencies and other clients.

He graduated in 2009 with his graphic-novel “drüben!”, which was released by the "avant-verlag" the same year.

The book was nominated for the "German Youth Literature Prize 2010" and rewarded with the "ICOM Independent Comic Award for Outstanding Scenario 2010".

Since 2011 he is teaching illustration as an Adjunct Professor at the "Design Department" of the "Hamburg Universtity of Applied Sciences".

In 2012 he won the prestigious "Max and Moritz Prize" for his book "Packeis".

Also in 2012 he created a 7 by 40 meter long picture with scenes from the peaceful revolution in former East-Germany for a big glass cube which is part of the memorial place "Gedenk- und Bildungsstätte Andreasstraße" which is located in a former Stasi prison in Erfurt.

In 2013 he was honored with the "Hans-Meid-Advancement-Award" for his work as an illustrator.


Im Wiebers Verlag: Er schuf das Plakat Preußen-Comic

Pfeil hoch

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